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Junior year has been a challenging year, but at the same time it has been fun. I am deciding where I will be going to college and I am interested in sports medicine but I am still unsure on what career job I will pursue.  I will choose a college that will have sports medicine just in case I decide to pursue that career. My goal is to go to a good college and continue doing well in school. I am a hard worker and a respectful person and I wouldn’t have been the person I am today for certain people.
My parents have always been there for me and have taught me so much in my life.  My mom was an artist when she was younger and her artwork influenced me to become an artist and ever since I took art, it has been a positive experience. My dad influenced me to become a photographer because when he was kid, he worked as a photographer and now he is a camera man for NBC. My dad would explain to me how meras work so I knew a good amount before taking the class.
It was a great decision to take photography because it has taught me so much. I want to continue using film photography because it allows me to be creative and express myself. Photography has been a great experience and I hope my pictures can help you get ideas if you every take pictures. When I look at other peoples photos, it amazes me because a picture can mean a thousand words. 


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